- Globalization or glocalisation? 全球化或全球地方化?
- The method can be applied for global or local curve fairing. 该算法既可以对曲线进行全局光顺,又可以进行局部光顺。
- T/P and SIwere calculated by the global or the individual method. 28和3。02。个体计算法:T/P和SI的所有指标均低于整体计算法。
- Recently because of it defect and influence of globalization or assimilation tendency of private international law, the stem is degenerating. 这种趋势的出现,除了其本身的缺陷外,主要是全球化的影响以及法律趋同化的演变。
- We won't have the popular support to craft a foreign policy that meets the challenges of globalization or terrorism without resorting to isolationism or eroding civil liberties. 不采用孤立政策或没有侵害公民自由权利,我们就得不到公众的支持来构建外交政策,来面对全球化或恐怖主义这些挑战。
- Globalization or Great Harmony has been the objective of struggle in the Chinese society for 2000 plus years and the history of China is one of practising pacifism. 全球化 ,即世界大同 ,也是中国社会二千多年来走向光明的奋斗目标 ,中国几千年的历史就是一部和平主义的实践史。
- The Universal parameter changes the scope of the group from global or domain local to universal. Universal参数将组的作用域从global或domain local更改为universal。
- A data breakpoint is set on a global or local variable, rather than a location in the code. 数据断点是设置在某个全局变量或局部变量上的断点,而不是在代码中的某一位置上。
- Method to read specific resources from a global or local resource file, respectively. 方法以分别从全局资源文件或本地资源文件中读取特定的资源。
- The management of multiple supply chain components as a single entity on a global or regional scale. 在全球或地区范围内将多个供应链组成部分作为一个实体管理。
- The.NET Framework does not have a way of specifying form on a global or schema-wide level within a class definition. . NET Framework无法在类定义内从全局级别或架构范围级别指定form。
- Global or filament actin was visualized in cytoplasm and nucleus of tobacco pollen mother cells, under immunoelectron microscope. 免疫电镜观察发现,花粉母细胞中的细胞质及核中存在线状和粒状的肌动蛋白微丝。
- You are more powerful than you think as you have a global or larger auric field. 你比你所认为的更有力量,因为你有一个全球或更大的金场。
- TLS can be a lifesaver if your application relies heavily on global or static variables. 如果你的应用程序需要严重依赖全局变量或静态变量,那么TLS能够帮助解决它遇到的问题。
- WS-CDL describes this behavior from a global or neutral perspective rather than from the perspective of any one party. 编排模型描述了一个服务集合之间的协作,以实现一个共同的目标。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- A new global or near global optimization method,called self-adaptive evolutio nary programming is proposed in this paper. 从随机优化技术及生物进化机制角度出发,设计出一种新颖的自适应进化规划算法。
- Experiment 1 showed that reaction times (RTs) to global or local targets did not differ between the left and right visual field stimuli in the unilateral presentation condition. 实验一发现 ,在单侧呈现条件下 ,被试检测左右视野的整体或局部靶目标的反应时没有显著差别 ,但在双侧同时呈现条件下 ,检测右视野局部靶目标比检测左视野局部靶目标时的反应时短。
- Nevertheless, history has proved that any one who seeks hegemony, whether global or regional, will go against his own will and come to no good end. 然而历史证明,凡是搞霸权的人,不论是全球霸权还是地区霸权,到头来总是事与愿违,不会有好结果。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一个或少一个对我是无关紧要的。